Domestic Cleaning

Having insufficient time to handle daily cleanliness routines at your living place? We are here to aid you. You will always having fresh clean environment at your home even when you are too busy for it!
Having insufficient time to handle daily cleanliness routines at your living place? For health reasons, every house needs to be cleaned up to avoid pests dwelling in the house. These pests could spread diseases such as diarrhea, fever, itchiness, and so on. As for the dust, it can cause cough, flu, and for those who has asthma, it will make your asthma more severe.
Not to worry because we are here to aid you to have a fresh and clean environment at your home, even when you are too busy to clean!

Job Specifications
- Bedrooms and living room
- Vacuum and mopping of floor
- Clean and polish all mirrors
- Changing of bed linens
- Dusting of furniture
* Terms and conditions apply
What's else job included
- Mop floor
- Wipe cooking stove and exterior of electrical appliances
- Wipe exterior surface of all cabinets
- Wash and disinfect basin
- Clean and disinfect bathtub, basin, toilet bowl
- Washing of toilet floor and walls
- Clean and polish all mirrors
- Approximately 15 pieces of clothing per session
- Bed linen ironing is not included
- Not included in fortnight cleaning packages
- Not included in three hours sessions cleaning packages
Clean windows and window grilles (rotational basis
and periodical) - Empty the trash
- Wipe and clean all ceiling fans (periodical)
- Other ad hoc/periodic chores as requested
Domestic Cleaning Packages
Fortnight Cleaning
Administration fee $108 nett
Monday to Friday
$156 / month
- 2 sessions x 4 hours
Saturday and Sunday
$168 / month
- 2 sessions x 4 hours
Once a week Cleaning
Monday to Friday
$222 / month
- 4 sessions x 3 hours
Saturday and Sunday
$240 / month
- 4 sessions x 3 hours
Monday to Friday
$296 / month
- 4 sessions x 4 hours
Saturday and Sunday
$320 / month
- 4 sessions x 4 hours
Twice/Thrice a week cleaning
Administration fee $138 nett
Monday to Friday
$444 / month
- 8 sessions x 3 hours
Monday to Friday
$592 / month
- 8 sessions x 4 hours
Monday to Friday
$666 / month
- 12 sessions x 3 hours
Monday to Friday
$888 / month
- 12 sessions x 4 hours
For once a week :
- 1. Weekday $18.50 per hour.
- 2. Weekends $20.00 per hour.
For Fortnight :
- 1. Weekday $19.50 per hour.
- 2. Weekends $21.00 per hour.